Blue Ocean Brain Blog

3 Key Elements of Effective Leadership Employees Can Learn

Written by Blue Ocean Brain | Jul 23, 2024

Leadership and learning are indispensable to each other.” John F. Kennedy, 35th president of the United States 

Ask any employee about the hallmarks of great leaders, and they’ll likely uncover a mix of clichés, conventional traits, and a few unexpected qualities. From outstanding communication skills to the candid honesty that drives personal growth, the essence of a truly followable leader is a captivating blend of the familiar and the surprising. 

3 Key Leadership Qualities of an Effective Leader With “A Little Help” from Training  

Most people believe that some are born leaders while in fact most effective leaders are made. The best way organizations can cultivate their future leaders is with a proper training program. 

#1. Good Character 

“The supreme quality of leadership is integrity.” — Dwight D. Eisenhower, 34th president of the United States 

Leaders with good character earn the respect of their peers. The hidden benefit of strong character in leaders is their ability to earn trust in all circumstances. Employees respond better to praise, pressure, and criticism from managers they deeply respect. Moreover, research shows that employees are more engaged and respond to requests more promptly when they trust their leaders are guiding them in the right direction. 

Building character starts with defining one’s values. The best leaders learn from their past and evaluate the relationships and networks they build. They find opportunities to be kind, especially when tempted not to be. They practice humility and give back. Explore these foundational concepts in more detail in our microlearning video course on "Developing Your Character." This article-based microlearning course explores the differences between personality and character while providing tips to strengthen your character and the role personal and professional ethics play at work. 

#2. Confident, Committed, and Quick Decision Makers 

Leadership is the capacity to translate vision into reality.” — Warren G. Bennis, American scholar and pioneer of the contemporary field of Leadership studies 

Effective leaders must have the intelligence, experience, and skills to make quick decisions when situations arise. Some situations don't have a timeline that allows for days or months of information gathering, analysis, and generating options. The longer team leaders ponder a decision, the more it hurts productivity. Employees sit and wait, unsure of when a revision or workaround will come, and if it does, there’s a good chance it will disrupt their flow of working on another project. Strong leaders have a clear vision of the organization’s goals and set clear expectations, so productivity levels increase. Everyone is moving forward with a common goal 

Great leaders stick with their choices and make both easy and tough decisions quickly. But getting to that comfort level can be hard at first. Soft skills training in decision-making, strategic thinking, and identifying unintended consequences can be career changing. 

#3. Accessible, Approachable, and Committed to Employee Growth 

Leaders don’t create followers; they create more leaders.” — Tom Peters, American writer on business management practices 

Those in a leadership role need followers. To attract them, they must create a work environment and leadership style that inspires loyalty. Authentic leaders make a conscious effort to build trust and forge strong relationships, prioritizing quality time with their team. Strong leaders welcome both open communication and constructive feedback, valuing new ideas and recognizing hard work. They are empathetic. Good leadership ignites a sense of purpose in employees, guiding them toward their career goals. They also make it a priority to develop the next generation of leaders.  

We offer professional development topics, such as active listening, critical thinking, and conflict resolution, for learners to gain effective leadership skills. Understanding communication styles is critical to the success of a leader.  

HSI Blue Ocean Brain Can Help 

“Winning companies win because they have good leaders who nurture the development of other leaders at all levels of the organization.” — Noel Tichy, American management consultant, author, and educator 

Some great leaders are born; most new leaders need support and training. Those in leadership positions will succeed (and fail) through trial and error until they’re seasoned, motivational, and inspiring authorities in their field. Leadership qualities like the ones discussed can have a positive ripple effect on others leading to higher employee morale and better productivity for organizations. 

We offer many valuable leadership training courses to help employees become great leaders. Our discussion guides, leadership briefs, and live webcasts help reinforce learning and provide actionable tips for prompting team development and dialogue. 

For more tips on building a great foundation as a leader, be sure to check out our most popular leadership courses on everything from motivational techniques to building an effective leadership team and more. Please reach out to us to request a consultation.