[Infographic] 9 Obstacles to Learning Equity and What L&D Can Do About Them
[Infographic] 9 Obstacles to Learning Equity and What L&D Can Do About Them

[Infographic] 9 Obstacles to Learning Equity and What L&D Can Do About Them

Employee Learning & Development, Diversity Equity & Inclusion  


Is all workplace L&D created equal? Findings from a recent RedThread Research initiative point to a resounding "no." In fact, through an extensive data collection and listening process, they've isolated several obstacles that target three important components of any learning ecosystem: how learning is found, how it is accessed, and who is participating.

So what are L&D teams to do? Check out this infographic for some common challenges and how to resolve them.

This infographic summarizes key findings from RedThread's research report, Less DEIB Training, More Learning EquityClick on the image below for an expanded view.

9 Obstacles to Learning Equity Infographic - BOB and RTR

Ready to learn what high-performing organizations are doing differently from their peers to make learning more equitable? Click here to download the full report.
