Over the past few years, a new C-suite role has emerged—CDO, or Chief Diversity Officer. They are responsible for helping companies further their diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) efforts. And...
There is a lot of talk about diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) these days, but, unfortunately, not as much action. DEI training has been taking place in companies of all types and sizes for...
Diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) topics are top-of-mind in organizations of all sizes across industries. Not only have businesses come to recognize that DEI drives bottom-line business results,...
“Culture is king.” “Culture eats strategy for lunch.” We’ve heard these phrases, and others like them, said over and over again, and, by and large, we believe them to be true. Yet even though...
As many teams continue to work remotely or in some type of hybrid manner, companies may feel that they’ve lost the opportunity for collaboration. That’s simply not true! Innovative companies and...
What do today’s employees want after dealing with a disrupted world affecting how and where they work, how and where their children learn, and how they stay healthy? You may be surprised to find that...
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